juillet 13, 2022 2 lire la lecture
As promised, this month we will do a small break from all the amazing wild and funky coffees. Consider it a washed coffee cleanse ;) As we know, variety is the spice of life - our sensors work best when there is a comparison. Washed process showcases the true character of the coffee and when roasted light (like all of the roasters we've featured) there's no way to hide potential defects. Our goal in Curious Buds is still the same after 1 year, which is to give our curious community access to fresh coffees roasted by a rotation of passionate roasters. All at a reasonable price and in the convenience of your own home.
We love that you enjoy the process of discovering new varieties or coffee processing, and origins as well as giving new roasters a chance to be featured next to other established, rockstar roasters. Thank you for your trust and we do not take this selection process lightly. Majority of the roasters that we feature, we already know and have tasted many many times and the newer ones we make sure that the quality/roasting profile is up to our standard by sampling their coffees before placing the order.
For July box we featured Banibeans from Slovenia. This young roaster reached out to us on Instagram and we were so glad he did! We had the opportunity to cup a few of his coffees and share them with you. His passion and care for details showed in the cup as well as in his way of communication. We look forward to meeting Luka in person when he comes to visit or when we decide to take a roadtrip to see the Julian Alps again!
Our second roaster is Koppi from Helsingborg. We crossed paths with Charlie, the co-founder some years ago at London Coffee Festival and have followed their coffee journey for a while. You can totally call us biased :)
This Kenyan lot has a floral aroma, reminiscent of hibiscus tea, followed by notes of lemongrass, plum fruitiness and rhubarb acidity. A beautiful representation of Kenyan coffees. We love immersion method when brewing juicy Kenyans like this to really exaggerate the fruit bomb character.
We selected Mahembe Muama Peaberry from Koppi because we have not featured a washed processed Rwandan in our subscription yet. The texture of the coffee stood out to us the most. Be warned, this one's tactile ;) It's also complex and well balanced. What's not to love?
Agua Tibia, Colombia - Washed (Koppi)
Hamasho, Ethiopia - Washed (Banibeans)
We selected Hamasho from Banibeans for espresso because we wanted to serenade our subscribers with its incredible floral notes. It's also an easy coffee to brew. We understand that some high acidity coffees do not translate well in the home coffee set up. This coffee has a wide "get it right" window and we love it!
Koppi's washed Colombian taste like liquid dessert. It's a sweet cup that has a little acidity that brings you back for more. It's simply gorgeous!
Brace yourselves for next month's box, as we will be dipping our tippy toes back on the wild side.
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